Namakkal District is a newly formed district from Salem District. It is functioning from 01-01-1997.It consists of 8 Taluks namely Namakkal. Rasipuram, Tiruchengode , Paramathi Velur, KolliHills, Sendamangalam , Komarapalayam and Mohanur.
The district is bounded by salem on the north, Karur on the south, Trichy and Salem on the east and Erode on the West.
Location and Area
The Geographical area of the district is 3368.21 Sq kms Which lies between 11.00 and 11.360 North Latitute and 77.280 and 78.300 East Longitude.
For Administrative pruposes the district has been divided into 2 Revenue Divisions, 8 Taluks, 30 Revenue firkas . For local arrangements, the district has been divided into 5 Municipalities, 15 Panchayats Unions,19 Town Panchayats and 322 Village Panchayats.
Population as per 2011 census is 17,26,601 with Male 8.69,280 and Female 8,57,321