

The Collectorate play a pivotal role in the District administration. Collector in the Cadre of I.A.S heads the District. He acts as the District Magistrate for maintaining Law and Order in his jurisdiction. He deals mainly with planning and development, law and order, general elections, arms licensing etc.

The Additional Collector/ District Revenue Officer runs the Revenue administration under various enactments in the District. He is also designated as Additional District Magistrate. He mainly deals with civil supplies, land matters, mines and minerals, village officers etc.

The District Revenue Officer (DRO) and Deputy Collectors assists the Collector in discharging their duties. The District Revenue Officer looks after all the branches of the Collectorate. He deals mainly with general administration and is vested with supervision of day-to-day functions of the Collectorate.

The Project Officer District Rural Development Agency in the cadres of IAS/DRO , Personal Assistant Panchayat Development in the cadre of Deputy Collector, Assistant Director Town panchayats, Municipal commissioners & Municipal Corporation Commissioner are assisting collector in panchayat development and urban local body related works.


  1. Section A: Election related work, Establishment work for all cadre, Compassionate Ground Appointment, Irrigation, Annual Inspecion, Jamabandhi, Tamil nadu Assembly Committee visit, Vehicle maintanance, Letter corresponding.
  2. Section B: Educational Scholarships, Hostel maintanance, Welfare Schemes, Free House site patta for Backward Class, Most Backward Class and Minorities.
  3. Section C: All certificate copies, TNPSC, Stationaries, Record Room maintanance, Natural calamities, RTI, Publication and District Gazette, Birth and Death Registration, Furniture maintanance, EB, Telephone Bills, Building Maintanance.
  4. Section D: Educational Scholarships, Hostel maintanance, Welfare Schemes, Free House site patta for Adidravidars.
  5. Section E: Excise related new licence and renewal works.
  6. Section F: Public Distribution System, District Supply and Consumer Protection work, AAY Schemes, kerosine wholesale and retail license, Shop inspections.
  7. Section G: OAP, All relief fund distribution, GDP, Amma Scheme, MCP, Free Dhoties and Sarees Distribution, petitions of Minister, MLA, MP, Governor, President.
  8. Section H: Land Acquisiton related work.
  9. Section L: Land Assignment, Free HSD, Land Transfer, Land Alienation, Encroachment, Boodhan Land, Lease, ULT, Forest Land, Trees, Panjami Land, House allotted by TNHB
  10. Section M: Law and Order, Road Safety, Arms License, Explosives Licese, Dowry Horrassment, Indian citizenship Act.
  11. Section O: Patta Transfer Appeal, Aadheena abolision Act, Land Revenue, UDR Appeal, Freedom Fighter / Indigent Artist Pension, Independence Day, Republic Day Celebrations, Miscellaneous, Revenue Recovery Act, Pauper Suit.
  12. Section R: Cash book maintenance, Loans and Advances, Collectorate General Section All Staffs Salaries and Other benefits, Audit objection, Pensioners Grievance Day Petitions, Budget, Allotments.

Rural Development

  1. AD(P) :: Panchayats Related Activities
  2. AD(audit) :: Audit and High Level committee
  3. PA(SS) :: Small Savings
  4. PA(NM) :: School Noon Meals Related Activites
  5. PO(DRDA) :: Rural Development and Panchayat Raj
  6. A.D(TP) :: Town Panchatyats related Activities