
Jedarpalayam Dam


Jedarpalayam Dam is located in Kabilarmalai Panchayat Union of Namakkal District. It is located about 36 kms from Namakkal. The dam is constructed across the River Cauvery where tourists flock in large numbers during festival season and on weekends. This Dam is having a water storage area for boating. Six fibre boats are available for boating. The children’s parks with play materials and sports items are also available. Separate dressing rooms for men and women and toilet facilities are also available.

Photo Gallery

  • Jedarpalayam Dam
  • Jedarpalayam Dam -side
  • Jedarpalayam Dam - long view

How to Reach:

By Air


By Train


By Road

Namakkal to Jedarpalayam via Paramathivelur (40 Km)